Jag har stickat bakstycket fram till ärmhålen, inga mönster eftersom jag bara är ute efter formen på koftan. Men jag förstår inte hur jag gör på slutet… ska jag skicka ihop alla delarna eller vad? Jag kan bara gissa enstaka ord i beskrivningen och Google translater får fnatt när jag försöker. Så du som kan tyska, hur gör jag? Här kommer hela beskrivningen… på tyska
Nä, nu behöver jag hjälp
stickmaskin Posted on Sat, October 29, 2011 10:12:34- Comments(3) https://handarbete.appelklyftig.com/?p=236
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Thank you so much Heike!
I own a Knittax AM2 as well but have never made a round yoke. You have to knit the back and both frontpieces up to row counter 124. For the back put the center 132 stitches, for the fronts the 66 stitches on both pieces on a knitting needle or wastes yarn. Knit the sleeves up to row counter 134 and put the remaining 100 stitches either on a knitting needle or waste yarn.
Yoke: knit according to the graph – hang the 132 stitches of the back in the center of the bed and add on either side half of the stitches = 50 of the sleeves; you have to hang the 7th stitch on every 6th needle. ( According to the drawing you have to hang every 7th needle on the needle nr. 6 which gives you a total of 197 stitches.) Knit according to the drawing. Then you have to hang one front piece and the remaining sleeve stitches onto the machine – every 6th needle has 2 stitches, that there are a total of 98 stitches on the needle bed. Knit according to drawing. Do the same with the second front.
I hope this helps, good luck. Below is a link from Diana Sullivan’s website for round yokes
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